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Empty State

<sl-empty-state> | SlEmptyState
Since 2.0 hub24

An empty state appears when there is no data to display and helps a user understand what they can do next.

Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.
Primary action Secondary action
<sl-empty-state icon="bullhorn" heading="Heading text for this empty state">
  Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.
  <div slot="action">
   <sl-button variant="primary">Primary action</sl-button>
   <sl-button variant="secondary">Secondary action</sl-button>


Using the icon slot

To use a custom icon, you can put any HTML content in the icon slot:

Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.
<sl-empty-state heading="Icon slot empty state">
  <img slot="icon" src="/assets/images/firefox.png"/>
  Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.


To show an empty state that represents a loading state, set the loading attribute.

<sl-empty-state loading heading="We are fetching your data"></sl-empty-state>


An empty state can be wrpped in a card or the body of a table or page, its contents should be centered vertcally and horizontally.

To get started, you need to have access to at least one client account. Close this tab and try again.
Close tab

Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.
Primary action Secondary action

Table Title
Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand why there is no data in their table.

  <sl-empty-state icon="emoji-frown" heading="Present engaging content">
    <img slot="icon" src="/assets/images/empty-state-present.svg"/>
    To get started, you need to have access to at least one client account. Close this tab and try again.
    <div slot="action">
    <sl-button variant="secondary">
      <sl-icon slot="prefix" name="xmark"></sl-icon>
      Close tab


  <sl-empty-state icon="emoji-frown" heading="Heading text for this empty state">
    Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand what to do next.
    <div slot="action">
    <sl-button variant="primary">Primary action</sl-button>
    <sl-button variant="secondary">Secondary action</sl-button>
  <div slot="header">
    Table Title
  <sl-empty-state class="xtra-padding">
    Explainer text for this empty state, this should help the user understand why there is no data in their table.
  .xtra-padding {
    padding: var(--sl-spacing-3x-large);


Name Description
(default) The default slot is used for the empty state content
icon A custom icon or image can be added
heading A heading can be added
action Actions like buttons can be added

Learn more about using slots.


Name Description Reflects Type Default
icon The icon to show. Leave empty for no icon. string ''
heading The heading string ''
loading Show as a loading empty state with spinner for the icon boolean false
updateComplete A read-only promise that resolves when the component has finished updating.

Learn more about attributes and properties.

Custom Properties

Name Description Default
--example An example CSS custom property.

Learn more about customizing CSS custom properties.


Name Description
base The component’s base wrapper.

Learn more about customizing CSS parts.


This component automatically imports the following dependencies.

  • <sl-icon>